GTA V: 10 Offensive Easter Eggs You Need To See For Yourself

6. Experimental Eating

Sometimes in life, we bore of Western culture, and yearn for something entirely different. That includes the food, because why let people from other countries have all the fun, right? Displaying that ever-burning love for the dick joke once more, Rockstar's braintrust caused many a giggle by naming one of the many in-game restaurants 'Nutsaki', but the fun doesn't stop there. Go anywhere on the outside of the building itself, and players are met with a fine display of Asian text. Or a giant penis and set of balls. This writer had to slow down and laugh when racing past this monumental digital eatery, and it's a sad day when you start using giant penises as markers in videogames. "If I can just dodge these cops long enough to get to the Asian balls", is not a phrase you'll use anywhere else.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.