GTA V: 10 Reasons I Hated Trevor

6. The Now-Infamous Torture Scene

Trevor Torture Much has been said about the controversial torture scene that takes place only a couple missions after Trevor gets reintroduced to Michael. Sufficed to say when this mission started and it was revealed that the game wanted you to actively torture a guy, I was definitely looking for a way around it. The scene following this horrific setpiece sees Trevor take pity on the guy and not actually finish him off as his FIB bosses requested, however for a scene with so many inevitably negative repercussions for in-game character motivation and real-world consequence for the medium, a little more choice would have let Rockstar hammer home the point Trevor later states about "torture being for the torturer". Granted you're given choice over which weapons to bludgeon your hapless victim with, but none of them can be used on the man next to you who is forcing your hand, which is all irrespective of the fact Trevor seems to be enjoying himself throughout. It's a very disturbing and memorable scene, but I think in Rockstar's pursuit to continually let GTA say more about its players than itself, forcing this scene to play out with the only other choice being to turn the game off entirely, is a very ballsy decision that I would say does not pay off.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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