GTA V: 10 Reasons It’s Guaranteed to Cause Controversy

9. R* Are Ballsy

Many times throughout my contact with R* as a consumer I€™ve been left thinking €˜jesus, these guys have got some stones for producing this€™. Let€™s take their most controversial title: Manhunt. Now, I€™d like to consider myself pretty liberal, especially in relation to entertainment. But even I struggled to sit comfortably when I played Manhunt. Rockstar, as an organisation, are brave. They push the boundaries of what€™s acceptable and produce games that are way out there in virgin territory and others inevitably follow (case in point: Saints Row). Now I€™m not expecting GTA V to be as horrific in content as Manhunt, but suffice to say, R* have the balls to have not bent to societal pressure to tone it down. When we play GTA V, it€™ll be just as violent, just as foul-mouthed and just as outrageous as it ever was. And the many concerned parties aren€™t goin to like that one bit.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.