GTA V: 10 Reasons Why It Might Not Be Awesome

9. Delayed Release


Now there€™s been a few more trailers released and the game€™s mere months away people seem to have forgotten that GTA V has already suffered one serious delay. If all had gone to plan, then instead of endless theorising we€™d be sat speeding all around Los Santos right now. Original word was the game would come out in spring of this year, but it swiftly changed to the now hopefully final September 17th.

Whenever a game€™s delayed, there€™s always going to be the horror theories. It was assumed that Rockstar's tight lipped reveals were to avoid just such issues, which made fans a little bit worried; could there be a major problem they're rushing to fix? The official word is that the postponement was for quality purposes only, but whenever that excuse is used a pinch of salt is recommended.

Memories are still fresh from Aliens: Colonial Marines earlier this year, which left a foul taste in everyone€™s mouth after being delayed numerous times, eventually leading to SEGA releasing an unfinished product. Rockstar should be above this, but no matter the company (or the medium), it€™s always a sign for fans to be wary.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.