GTA V: 10 Rumours We Don’t Want To Come True

3. The Military Will Return

The fabled GTA military weren€™t present in the last game and I for one was thankful; once the military are on your ass, it€™s pretty much game over. In the same post from the friend of the guy who once worked at R* - the overflowing font of reliable information that he may or may not be €“ it€™s argued that GTA V will see the return of the dreaded sixth wanted star, which incurs the wrath of the National Guard. This one will probably split fans; some will undoubtedly love having the military on their case, after all, if you€™ve managed to attain the highest wanted level, then you€™ve managed to survive one hell of a rampage. However, others will see the military as the €˜11€™ on the wanted star dial, that unnecessary step too far which was removed from GTA IV for a reason. Maybe this is picking, but I€™m of the school of thought that believes 5 stars is plenty wanted enough. Let us incur the wrath of the NOOSE tactical response unit and the FIB as the final wanted level; at least we have a chance of giving those guys the slip.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.