GTA V: 10 Rumours We Don’t Want To Come True

4. The Protagonist Dies

Not to give away any spoilers, but if you€™ve been a R* fan for any length of time, you€™ll know that they€™re not above killing off their lead protagonist, should the story call for it. It€™s one of the reasons I love €˜em; they€™re not just making games, they€™re telling stories. And in story, sometimes the hero dies. Several of the rumour roundups which are dotted around the internet argue that this will be the case with GTA V€™s protagonist and that once he€™s popped his clogs, you€™ll take control of his son or brother for the end-game free play. This theory has since been debunked, but the debunker himself isn€™t actually a massively reliable source either; he€™s a friend of an Ex-R* employee (for GTA V news, it really has come to this). Said friend insists that GTA V€™s protagonist does not die at the end. I€™m inclined to hope that this is the case as one thing I€™m not keen on is the idea that main character deaths are becoming a R* staple. If I know there€™s a good chance that a R* protagonist could die at the end, it becomes a much less powerful story telling tool than it should be. I€™m hoping that this rumour is simply born from a GTA fan boy trying to be clever, trying to predict R*€™s movements based on their history. If it isn€™t, then it could mean the legendary GTA designers are starting to become predictable.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.