GTA V: 10 Rumours We Want To Come True

1. Enhanced Economic System

In the same post, the above anonymous source goes on to insist that money will play a much more pivotal role in the upcoming GTA game. R* North supposedly want to iterate how one can go from rags to riches and visa-versa in an accurate reflection of the modern state of economics, depending on the financial choices that you make in game. This invariably leads to the rumour that GTA V will feature a vastly improved economic system which will allow the player to buy and sell property, make deals and take risks outside of the storyline in order to expand their empire, or watch it crumble depending on their success. There€™s really no solid evidence to support this, but it€™s not way outside the realms of possibility either, especially if R* are keen to do something fresh and new with the GTA franchise. You can€™t deny that a honed economic system would add a further dimension to the current gameplay; if I€™m honest with myself, I really hope this one comes to pass. So there we have it; ten rumours that would actually blow my mind. Anything to add? Don't believe a word? Do get commenting!

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.