GTA V: 10 Rumours We Want To Come True

2. New Modes of Transport

Another anonymous posting from a supposed GTA insider here (christ, these guys are coming out of the woodwork). According to, GTA V will feature further modes of transport to aid the player in traversing the city; things like hitching a ride with a stranger, riding the bus or, wait for it€ stealing horses. Now according to this source, Horses aren€™t as focal as they were in Red Dead Redemption, I mean, how could they be? But apparently they€™ll still be an amazing new inclusion to the franchise; a mode of transport which allows us to access our full arsenal of weaponry (not just the one handed guns). Can you imagine firing a rocket launcher from horseback? How f**king awesome would that be? Again, these anonymous sources rarely end up being much more than an overexcited attention seeker with a half decent idea, but then, as with most of the rumours you€™ll hear it€™s just about logically sound enough to be believable. Whether these new modes of transport are fabricated or not is yet to be revealed. But, particularly in regards to the horse-riding feature, I sincerely hope this comes to pass.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.