GTA V: 10 Things FPS Mode Must Have

2. Influence On Future Rockstar Games

Heck, if the FPS mode goes over well in GTA, that pretty much guarantees if could work in any Rockstar property. Imagine what they could achieve with a dedicated first-person option in all of their games. Red Dead has been referred to by 2K executives as a "series in development," which technically means a sequel is at least on the table. Can you imagine Rockstar's Wild West follow-up in first-person? Remember, this is their first foray into first-person, so GTA V will certainly work out a few kinks for future control tweaking. For now, they can get away with a bare-bones FPS mode, but even if the whole thing's a bit rusty, we still want Rockstar to take risks with the feature. Imagine twirling through the air as Max Payne, your arms outstretched in front of you, hammering down on two pistol triggers. By definition, the third-person experience is a relatively disconnected one. We are officially bypassing an age-old boundary in Rockstar history, seeing their game worlds like our favorite characters always have. No more staring at man-butts... unless you're into that.

Real Science Magazine called James' addiction to video games "sexually attractive." He also worked really hard and got really lucky in college and earned some awards for acting, improv and stand-up, but nobody cares about that out here in LA. So... He's starting over fresh, performing when He can. His profile picture features James as Serbian, vampire comic Dorde Mehailo with His anonymous Brother and Uncle at the Nerdmelt Showroom in West Hollywood. In James' spare time, he engages in acting, writing, athletics, hydration, hours of great pondering and generally wishing you'd like him.