GTA V: 10 Things Rockstar Could Have Perfected With Another Delay

2 . Cops

Gta 5 Trailer 1 Cops Chasing A Red Car E1339531709859 The cops are full on psychopaths in Los Santos. If they have you in their target, they will not worry about little things like the safety of the public; they will run through everything in their way to catch you. The only other time I€™ve seen such murderous dedication from law enforcement officers is from the cops in the Driver universe. Escaping the police in GTA 5 is a fun cat and mouse game; you have to hide in alleyways and switch cars to escape. It makes you feel like you have to think logically to not get caught, and it's more fun than just putting your foot down and outrunning them. But the problem is that the cops in Los Santos are too sensitive; look in their direction, run a red light or just happen to be walking past them and out of the blue, you might end up with a two star wanted level. It makes them seem vindictive and unpredictable. That might sound like the perfect description of the police in real life, but in GTA V, they come across like a broken mechanic. The chases are more fun, but triggering them isn€™t. With a bit more time, I€™m sure Rockstar could have fixed this.

Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.