GTA V: 10 Things Rockstar Could Have Perfected With Another Delay

1. Aiming & Shooting

Gta 5 Gun Down The combat in GTA V is a vast improvement on what we have had to put up with in the past. Gone is the dodgy auto-lock and unresponsive aim. Now, we have a better auto-lock and slightly less, unresponsive aim. Considering that combat makes up a lot of the gameplay in Grand Theft Auto, you would think that Rockstar would do everything to make sure it was 100% satisfying, but it still has a habit of letting you down in the middle of a firefight. Try to shoot from a moving vehicle, and you feel like you are guessing and hoping the bullet goes in the right direction. With all the improvements, Rockstar could have made the combat even better. It is not beyond their abilities; remember that this is the company that gave us Max Payne 3, and that game had some of the best gunplay in the history of video games. So, it seems bizarre that they wouldn't transfer that excellence to their flagship title, the game that they know everyone will be anticipating and playing. Like I said, the combat is still fun, the way the action smoothly passes between cut-scene to gameplay is a lesson to all developers, but with a few more months, maybe they could have made it even better. What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.

Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.