GTA V: 10 Things Rockstar Could Have Perfected With Another Delay

9. iFruit App

Ifruit It was a foregone conclusion that a GTA release in 2013 would have an accompanying smartphone app. Rockstar gave us an app called iFruit, their parody of the California-based computer company that uses an apple for a logo. In it, you can modify the in-game cars and teach Chop the dog some new tricks, but if you want anything more than that, you are out of luck. While it is fun to feed and water Chop or take him to the park and play a mini game where you protect your bitch from other male dogs, the tiny selection of games and the constant notifications that Chop has had another poo soon enough makes it more of a chore rather than a must-have add-on. Teaching him tricks or buying him a new dog collar quickly loses its novelty. With a few more options and features, the iFruit app could have been awesome. However, in its current state, it offers about half a day€™s amusement at best.

Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.