GTA V: 10 Things Rockstar MUST Steal From Other Sandboxes

1. CO-OP

Crackdown, Saints Row, Far Cry 3 etc.... After playing Saints Row and Crackdown cooperatively, I have longed for Rockstar to introduce a Co-op mode in a Grand Theft Auto game. While GTA IV€™s multiplayer did include some fun collaborative modes, they fell short of offering what we really want, a proper cooperative campaign. Playing any type of large open world game with friends always results in hilarious and unpredictable outcomes, as Saints Row and Crackdown have shown so expertly, and if Rockstar can offer up a lovingly crafted cooperative experience which is as good as their solo experience, then I€™m game. These are just 10 ideas that Rockstar should steal for the upcoming GTA V but there are no doubt countless others. Let us know what features you would like to see introduced for GTA V from other sandbox titles in the comments below.

Full-time Geek, Radio Presenter, Musician and Avid Gamer.