GTA V: 12 Dirty Hidden Secrets And Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

1. The Nudist Colony... Sort Of

Nudist The presence of a cult in GTA V was heavily publicised ahead of release, and the pay off in the game was oddly sexual, especially if you really like the sight of middle-aged men with paunches and no pants. The Altruist Cult, as they are officially known are a group of old men, with a hatred of both modern technology and underpants, in some cases, who can be fed young drifters (they're cannibals, obviously) and taking them four people leads to Trevor being taken into the camp at gunpoint (despite an implied history of him bringing regular "offerings" without incident.) Trevor then must fight his way out, while being confronted by semi-nude, deranged men with heavy weapons. Some of these men, for some reason are entirely nude, with carefully crafted penises on show, which it is very easy to miss, especially if you don't spend your time scrutinising the groins of NPCs. This of course confirmed the pre-release rumours of full-frontal male nudity, which appeared after the game's ESRB rating was unveiled, and mentioned "non-sexual" male nudity. Imagine the poor intern/work experience lad (probably) who was forced to spend their coding and design days making sure the penises and testicles of the nudists cult members looked and responded in an authentic way. Sadly for some, there is no option to shed your own clothes and embrace the welcoming bond of your fellow nudes. In Trevor's case, this can only be a good thing. Incidentally, the same ESRB rating that confirmed we'd see male nudity in the game also mentioned one brief reference to necrophilia, which so far has proved elusive. Not that we're looking too hard, but it's interesting to see something so openly discussed ahead of the release, and then so difficult to find (no matter how brief.) Perhaps Rockstar's DLC is going to be REALLY bold. Did we miss any Dirty Easter Eggs or hidden messages that you think should have made this list? Share your own finds in the comments below.

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