GTA V: 12 Dirty Hidden Secrets And Easter Eggs You Probably Missed

7. Naughty Names

Pisswasser One of Rockstar's favourite things to do in their GTA worlds is to hide naughty or sneaky messages in plain sight, whether that's in findable Easter Eggs, or in the signs and building names scattered throughout the universe. In GTA V, there's a store called Liquor Ace, whose pronunciation again reinforces the developers' apparent fascination with anal sex, especially when spoken with a particular American drawl. And then there's the AC units installed on the rooftops of buildings, which are rather comically made by a company called Wiwang, the restaurant called Nutsaki, the beer called PiŸwasser, or any number of the other colourfully named companies in the game (Speedophile, STD Contractors, Swallow, ProLaps or Sprunk for example.) There's also a wax work venue in down town Los Santos, whose outside is daubed with the likenesses of some of the real world's most famous stars, including Marilyn Monroe and John Wayne. The name of that venue, somewhat typically for Rockstar, is of course Wax Haven - presumably the next step up from Shaven Haven? And of course, if you pay enough attention to the signs of Los Santos, you can discover other things, like the Ripley's Believe It Or Not rip-off, or the invitation to enjoy as much of a particularly sordid sexual act as you can possibly tolerate...

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