GTA V: 13 Things You Probably Didn't Know You Could Do

10. Play Crazy Taxi... Sort Of

The ability to call taxis to transport you to any destination is a wonderful addition to the Grand Theft Auto world: it cuts down on the need to endlessly traipse through boring areas to get to a map point where you know there are goodies, oddities or a mission waiting, and while the game encourages as much interaction with the scenery as possible, short-cuts are a plus point for any game. But the most entertaining thing you can legitimately do with a taxi, according to one Reddit thread, is to channel the lunatic gameplay of Hitmaker/Sega classic Crazy Taxi, by calling for a cab, setting a waypoint up in the mountains (the higher and further off the beaten track, the better) and telling the driver to step on it. Like the crazed madmen drivers they are, the cabbies will then take your instructions to heart, without so much as a cursory consideration for their own health, that of their passenger, or the well-being of their taxi, by showing the most mind-blowingly crazy driving skills (or lack of) it's possible to witness from an NPC in the game.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.