GTA V: 30 Reasons Why You Should Be Excited

22. Dangerous Friends

Whether or not GTA V has a friend system like its predecessor, you can look forward to meeting an entire roster of new, strange and unique personalities. And when you boil it down, isn€™t that the lynchpin of the entire GTA franchise? Some of the people you€™ll meet in Los Santos will by admirable, some of them will be idiotic, some will be narcissistic and some will be psychopathic. Whatever the case may be, Rockstar always manage to find a way to make you connect with their cast of characters. And GTA V will be no different. If you€™ve been playing GTA since the early days, you€™ll still think back fondly on the missions you did for this person or that person. Personally, I can€™t wait to meet the new cast, and to add a few more to my ever-growing list of favourites.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.