GTA V: 5 Reasons To Be Excited

1. Multiple Protagonists

GTAVcharacters Another "first" in GTA V is the addition of three fully controllable protagonists - these are Trevor, Franklin and Michael - a former war veteran and a "drugged out psychopath", a repo man in his mid 20s described as a "young and ambitious hustler" and an ex-bank robber in his early 40s, respectively. By incorporating three multiple protagonists, Rockstar are providing gamers with a brand new dimension of gaming, the like we have not experienced before. For example, team work in missions now becomes a much more focal feature, while an interweaving storyline only adds to the overall drama. Outside of missions, players can "hang out" with each of the protagonists and take part in mini-games such as tennis, or they can instantly jump into the action with their chosen character at a moment's notice, with each character coming with their own unique skill sets to liven things up. What excites you the most about GTA V? Let us know in the comment section, below.

Joseph is an accredited football journalist and has interviewed nearly all of the current 20 Barclay's Premier League managers. He is also a correspondent for Bleacher Report and has written for Caught Offside and Give Me Football.