GTA V: 5 San Andreas Characters We Want To Meet Again

3. OG Loc

A rapper who, if he existed in real life, would be that guy rapping in the Rebecca Black €˜Friday€™ video... and would have faked his own death 7 times to stay relevant. Despite his squeaky voice, self obsessed nature and constant hat wearing; everyone shared a molecule of affection for OG Loc and to see him again would be a nice little completion to his entertaining sub-plot of an untalented rapper being a success in the music industry; which seems all the more relevant in today€™s world. How He Could Feature: An untalented rapper desperate for public attention? Rockstar needn€™t look any further than the real worlds Kanye West for inspiration, a news segment about OG Loc rushing the stage and stealing a teenage girl€™s award would be priceless.

One time I met John Stamos on a plane - and he told me I was pretty.