GTA V: 5 Ways To Improve Combat

2. Cover Mechanic

The cover system in GTA 4 worked well enough, but sometimes Niko seemed to want to stick himself to a wall straight into enemy fire. It more often than not got you killed as he slowly jogged away from the pole or cover he randomly sprinted for. A better system is mandatory here, a hybrid of Max Payne 3 and Mass Effect 3. ME3 features SWAT turns, a move I can't live without now. For those unfamiliar, a SWAT turn is going around a corner without having to exit cover, usually a 90 degree turn. Shepard could also run straight out of cover, heading for the next piece. While this is similar to Gears' system, I haven't played Gears since the first so I'll go with the Mass Effect 3 example. Max Payne 3 also had good cover. Max always new where you wanted to go and generally didn't get himself killed. Exiting cover was fast and easy and there was always time to escape.

I live in Australia, love to write and play games. So what better than writing about games? I love all things action and fantasy, as well as my occasional shooter. I literally cannot wait for GTAV!