GTA V: 6 New Vehicles/Weapons We Want In "Beach Bum" DLC

2. Amphibious Firearms

Gtaunderwatergun The best way to explore the dark and murky depths of Los Santos's oceans is via the submersible. Why? Because it provides you with a surrounding casing of steel, protecting you from shark attacks. The alternative is to pop on your scuba gear and dive headlong into the sea, but then, with just a knife to protect yourself with, you become easy prey for the aforementioned predators. Which is why we want more aquatic weapons of which to protect ourselves with when diving underwater, such as amphibious firearms (and yes, they do exist). Rockstar could go down the fictional route and just make something up, or they could throw the 'AAI Underwater Revolver' into the "Beach Bum" expansion pack. Providing us with a gun of which to hunt down and protect ourselves from sharks would make for a much more enjoyable underwater experience, and we look forward to seeing whether Rockstar act on this.

Joseph is an accredited football journalist and has interviewed nearly all of the current 20 Barclay's Premier League managers. He is also a correspondent for Bleacher Report and has written for Caught Offside and Give Me Football.