4. Weaponry And Vehicles
I've already mentioned a giant truck and mass dismemberment once, but there's more to it than that. If Rockstar make one point with their flagship series, it's that driving and shooting make for a really effective combo. And what do you do when you perfect the vehicular side to things? Add in a ridiculous variety of vehicles, of course. I could rattle off another list of tantalising ways to dismember the dead in a selection of random vehicles, but everyone has their own favourite when it comes to style and setup. Simply put, imagine your car hitting its max speed, surrounded by zombies that are, naturally, attracted to your engine noise and the way the tyres feel when they stick their heads close to them. You have the general idea. Then there's the weaponry. You've got your pistols, your rifles, your shotguns - the staple of any zombie survival. But did Left 4 Dead have the kind of arsenal available to you on the buzzard? Can you drop a car from a Cargobob right on top of a horde in The Last of Us? I didn't think so. Explosives, melee weaponry and more will help map out the range of walker wasting utensils, and because this is GTA, we can expect the results to be spectacularly violent.