In the fictional world of Grand Theft Auto, Merle Abrahams, or The Infinity Killer, was one of San Andreas' most notorious serial killers. After brutally murdering eight men in 1999, Abrahams scattered their bodies throughout the entire county, leaving clues and demented notes for anyone attempting to get to the bottom of his crime. The story is mentioned a few times in passing over the course of Rockstar's latest game, however if you dig a little deeper you can uncover the harsh reality of the murders for yourself. The cryptic notes left by Abrahams can be found throughout Los Santos if you look hard enough, usually scrawled into the scenery or haphazardly graffitied onto the side of buildings. If you're able to crack the admittedly confusing code that comes with each note, you'll be rewarded with the location of a victim, giving you the ability to discover the bodies that were never found all those year ago. It's quite a creepy side quest in its own right, and because you are left to solve the mystery on your own without any prompts from the game, means the discoveries themselves are truly satisfying. GTA can be a silly little game at times, however, when you're diving to the bottom of the ocean in search of the decades-old victims of a prolific serial killer, it's a reminder that Rockstar's titles retain that same darker edge that made them so famous in the first place. What are the most dark and disturbing secrets you've come across in GTA V? Let us know in the comments!