GTA V: 8 Disturbing Locations & Secrets You Totally Missed

2. The Altruist Cult

As I mentioned before with the two naked guys involved in the rather shady kidnapping, there's a cult operating in the world of GTA V. Not only that, but a main side mission as Trevor has you helping them acquire new victims, seeing you pick up trusting hitchhikers and drop them off on the doorstep of this cult of cannibals, primed and ready to be eaten alive and who knows what else. After you've done this a couple of times however, the cult will turn on you (hey, it's what you get for helping out a bunch of wackos), forcing you at gunpoint to enter their creepy little town. This quickly devolves into an all-out war, with Trevor making a last-ditch effort to gun down his former 'employers'. Of course, they don't stand a chance (after all, being naked during a shoot-out can only provide a person with so much protection) and you'll easily annihilate everyone in the vicinity. After you loot the corpses you can rest assured that no unsuspecting hitchhikers will end up with their guts hanging out in the cult's base ever again.
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3