GTA V Multiplayer: 5 Things We Want To See

3. Free Roam Objectives

While GTA IV€™s free roam killed many an hour for fans of the series, the initial excitement of a city strewn with weapons soon passes, and there is little else to do apart from annoying other players, or teaming up and killing cops (with base jumping being brought in later). Wouldn€™t some tasks, inspired by the gang hide-outs, stronghold and journal challenges in RDR, be a brilliant addition to GTA V? Shooting birds in Blaine County, hunting great white sharks in the Alamo Sea, and...dare I say it, helping police? It would be clever to see dynamic events such as pedestrians car-jacking or small gas station hold ups, free for players to ignore, aid, or be the Good Samaritan and gun them down, similarly gunning down other players that make the former choice. These should be rewarded with extra XP as should escaping cops with crew members. Add a certain amount of destructive environment to this mix and the fun you could have with friends in Los Santos is unrivalled. These incentives within free roam give a slight narrative behind the carnage, while remaining open ended enough for players to choose whether to help each other, or go it alone, benefiting from either path. The choice to get involved should always be there in free roam, as it was in Red Dead Redemption.

Benjamin is a TV, game and music lover trying to squeeze meaning out of everything he can... when not cooking or drinking! Those last two may not be mutually exclusive.