With new patches, it's now just about possible to play GTA Online without most of the bugs, errors and technical annoyances that plagued the early days, and made some suspect that Rockstar might have needed even more time to iron out the online portion before it was rolled out. But that doesn't mean the game is without frustrations: thanks to the massive number of players, who are mostly out to get you, and who will make your life hell if you give them half a chance, it's all too easy to lose your temper and your mind playing the game. And that's just the legitimate players, abiding by the rules (or what there is of them) and not exploiting the game or other players along the way. Sadly, they aren't the only players in GTA Online's universe, and there are some who have clearly been sent to annoy their fellow players and generally to ruin the game. Every online gaming community has them: the rogue players with malevolent agendas, or the exploiters of decent gaming practice, or the self-confessed trolls out simply to spoil your game and your day, and send your controller arcing through the air on a wave of fury.
Honourable Mention
The long and short of any MMO - which GTA Online ostensibly is - is that farmers gonna farm. As long as the developers are putting delicious money and rare items in any game, the farming community will come out in the droves, set up shop and mine the hell out of the valuables, selling them on and building up a vast fortune that they're probably too smart to ever keep on their person, no matter how quickly you try and mug them. These people might be exploiting a perfectly acceptable in game practice, and "not hurting anyone" as they frequently claim, but they aren't playing the game in the spirit it was intended. Rockstar want us to be criminals, rampant and raging, but they want us to play their game in a specific way, which is designed for our own enjoyment, rather than endlessly replaying the same situations in order to profit massively. Thankfully, a patch has put paid to this exploit, which has understandably annoyed the farming community, but maybe now they'll play the game properly, or high-tail it back to WoW and sell shinies to goblins.