3. Passive Obsessives
Passive Mode is a smart addition to GTA Online: it protects newcomers to the game who aren't necessarily familiar to the map, and who will basically be a walking target until they can get up to speed. But, naturally, there are those who will seek to exploit the Mode, regardless of the cost involved, simply because they're too spineless to take the game on in full balls-out glory mode. These people will spend the entirety of their time, other than for jobs or missions, in the safety of Passive mode, never gripping the game by the horns, and never experiencing the thrill of being murdered in cold blood for all of your money. They are not playing properly, instead they are effectively playing the Sims, with a little more endorsed violence, and they should be punished. And that counts doubly for the players who hide in Passive until your back is turned, The only time you should be switching into Passive Mode, other than in the earliest hours of your playtime, is for those distracting things in real life you can't avoid like eating, bathing or going to the bathroom. Thankfully, a willing girlfriend or family member, and an empty family sized drink bottle can sort out two of those annoyances, and bathing only matters to people who actually venture outside.
Tips To Avoid Think up inventive ways to gain vengeance. All rules go out of the window - trolling, griefing, it's all perfect fair game if you encounter someone who is abusing the Passive Mode function. Clearly, that's only going to lead to them either reporting you, or staying in Passive even more, but that sort of behaviour shouldn't be tolerated from anyone but n00bs.