GTA V Online: 6 Ways You Definitely Shouldn't Spend Your $500k

2. Buy A Private Jet

Gtavjet Like buying a Buzzard attack chopper, but without the weaponry or the added "maneuverability." Judging by the hundreds of GTA V flying fail videos that have surfaced since the game was released, there aren't a small number of players struggling with flying. Thanks to a commitment to realism that generally means a compromise on things like fun, Rockstar brought in a whole new dynamic when you're in the air, which you infuriatingly have absolutely no control over. Air pressure and turbulence can and will throw you around on the wind like your expensive plane is made of paper, and you probably will end up upside down, hurtling towards the ground and enduring flashbacks of almost every flying game that suffers from the same control issues. Getting a jet is a statement of luxury and status, and having one to look at, and like point at in front of your friends is not a bad idea to give your penis boasts a bit of a boost, but actually trying to fly one is a whole other world of problems.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.