GTA V Online: Finance & Felony - 10 Things You Need To Know

7. It's Bringing Drug Dealing, Weapons Sales And... Organ Trafficking?


As stated previously, shifting illegal merchandise is this DLC's key premise.

Much like the other dynamic elements introduced in Executives and Other Criminals, all of these operations would appear to take place in normal online sessions, rather than in missions like in Heists and Contact Missions.

The difference here though is that Finance and Felony looks to be offering a much more refined and diverse set of activities to partake in, deviating from its predecessor's combination of fetch quests and manhunts. We don't know how it works yet, but as a feature that's been long requested, it's pretty neat to see Rockstar finally deliver.

From what we can see the player, as a C.E.O, will store their business's merchandise in various warehouses situated across the Los Santos area. Within them, drugs, arms, munitions, electronics and even human organs (yes, you heard me) will all be stocked ready to move out. Just who exactly you'll be dealing these goods too is unclear yet, but it would be fairly interesting to see multiple player businesses interact with one another in a dynamic economy.

The reality will most likely involve pushing your goods to NPCs like Martin Madrazo, Lester, Gerald et al., but that doesn't mitigate just how much fun the whole process looks to involve.

Just err, leave my kidneys alone, okay?

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.