GTA V Online: The Doomsday Heist - 10 Things You Need To Know

8 There Are Flying Cars (That Turn Into Submarines!)

Gta V F

While the teaser for The Doomsday Heist featured plenty of new sci-fi themed weapons, vehicles and locations for players to get hyped over, the addition of mother-frickin' flying cars was by far what caught the most attention.

Because, well, why wouldn't it? Not only were these sci-fi vehicles shown flying across the picturesque Los Santos horizon, but later on the same cars can even be spotted creeping up on a submarine deep in the ocean.

It's the first time the franchise has truly embraced fantastical technology and moved away from the restrictions of its semi-grounded depiction of real-world America, and that newfound creative freedom looks to be paying off massively.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3