GTA V Online: The Doomsday Heist - 10 Things You Need To Know

7. A Submarine Siege Is Involved


As mentioned in the previous entry, one shot in the trailer shows the newly-added sci-fi cars creeping up on an underwater submarine. Although it's not confirmed, it's likely that the impendeing assault on the sub will be one of the major set-up missions in the DLC.

While submarines were already present in the base game, they were usually one-man vehicles, and thus the addition of such a massive vessel suggests that Rockstar are trying to push what players expect from a heist by throwing them into unique set-ups which don't simply recycle locations and missions already present in the title.

If the trailer is anything to go by, the set ups are going to be ridiculously more ambitious than they've been in the past, hopefully matching the same scale and polish of the final heist itself.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3