GTA V Release - Day 1 Of Exposure


As September 18th marks the first day the world has been exposed to Grand Theft Auto V, it also begins the countdown to Grand Theft Auto V: Online, set to be available free of charge on October 1st. Rockstar took the sandbox single player and revolutionized it, but what they are doing for online, no words can be said to do their work justice.


GTA Online introduces a new spin on traditional character creation with the hereditary-based creation system. Select your character's appearance by choosing your parent's heritage, then use the gene dominance meter to dial-in which parent your appearance favors more. Additionally, you'll customize your character's daily activities - everything from family time to illegal work and sports to couch potato hours all have an impact on your character's appearance and skill set (and you can always rank up your skill stats more via gameplay). As part of the Collector's Edition package, you'll get Niko Bellic, along with both Claude and Misty from Grand Theft Auto III to use as parent options within the character creation system.

Further, players will be able to earn money to build an empire among their peers in Los Santos with races, heists, and more. With Rockstar dedicated to developing their online world to save it from going stale the possibilities are quite literally endless. With the ability to have your car stolen, but a fee paid previously to an insurance company guaranteeing you your vehicle should somebody take it offers balance in the ever chaotic realm of online Grand Theft Auto.

As well, players will be able to deposit their money in the closest ATM in case they get run over by a bloodthirsty lunatic, spilling their hard earned dollar bills all over the virtual reality.


Mitchal Steinberg lives in Vancouver, British Columbia and is an avid traveller. Has been involved with local independent professional wrestling, and has been in a ring since 2003. Prefers Playstation over X-Box and coffee hot.. A passionate, lifelong follower of the NHL