GTA V Sucks: 11 Responses To The Most Ludicrous Reviews

10. "GTA5 Is To Video Games As Peter Kay Is To Comedy."

Peter KaySource:AmazonRating:


"I've never played a GTA game until this instalment and frankly I'm appalled by it's content. The levels of violence and anti-moral sentiment is deplorable to say the least. We wonder why society is in decline and the answer stares us right in the face with this vile attempt at video game 'entertainment'. I reminisce over my youth where I spent countless hours trying to rescue the princess from the giant ape as he tossed barrels. All we have here is a smorgasbord of debauchery and violence devoid of any skill or intellectual appeal. It's unprecedented success, in my opinion, is a damming indication of the decline in moral standards in this day and age. I conclude that this game will really only appeal to the simplest of folk and those of an advanced intellectual persuasion should steer clear and seek a game more stimulating to the mind. GTA5 is to video games as Peter Kay is to comedy."
Did They Play? Well, they claim to have. And judging by the flaming outrage, they didn't like what they saw. Diagnosis The oddest thing about this poster (who goes by the name Metal Fingers) is the fact that they seem surprised by the content of one of the most notorious game series in the history of video games. The fact that the game would include violence, "anti-moral sentiment" and debauchery should not have come as a shock, given how many words have been dedicated to that content in the press, or the unbridled joy in it that comes with every GTA release. It would be fair to say that they aren't exactly hiding the fact that GTA is not for the faint of heart. What is slightly worrying is that the poster seems to be suggesting that Donkey Kong, with its necessarily limited mechanics was a more skilled and intellectual experience than Grand Theft Auto. Surely, if this was the case, and video game players responded to the content of their chosen game with mimickry, there would have been far more reports of unprovoked attacks on monkeys. And anyway, Peter Kay is a funny guy.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.