GTA V: Ultimate Wishlist

5. Multiple Endings

That€™s certainly not an original idea. Lots of games have incorporated multiple endings that were the result if choices the player made or the circumstances of certain statistics (total score, body count, etc.) And GTA IV gave you two possible endings, depending on the choices the player had made earlier in the game, although they were both very similar in script and identical in location. I€™d like to see a larger variety of possible endings, 5 maybe, and more if Rockstar are able to do it. The entire final mission itself is chosen from a series of possible missions, which then leads to the unique ending. I also suggest that there€™s no €œright€ ending or €œwrong€ ending. Each has its benefits and drawbacks, as far as the main character€™s experience is concerned. It might be interesting to see an ending where the protagonist is arrested, tried in court, convicted and sent away to prison. The upside would be that everyone ultimately got what they wanted and/or deserved and all loose ends were tied, so the player wouldn€™t walk away feeling as though they€™d €œlost€ the game.

Brandon is a photographer/sociologist currently residing in the Sasquatch-prone Pacific Northwest of America. When he's not writing, he's probably doing something else.