6. Speaking of Getting Drunk...
...Id honestly like that to be included in the next game. You got to get yourself drunk in GTA IV in a few different ways, but once you were intoxicated, you couldnt do anything other than stumbling around and attempting to drive a vehicle. People do all sorts of crazy things when theyre drunk. Why cant the main character pick a fight? Try to run? Climb things? Shoot stuff?? Naturally, your aim would be terrible. Perhaps sometimes even hijacked by the game, the way your car swerves erratically in GTA IV. Youd almost certainly lose a fight. Running would be hilarious, as you lose control and beginning stumbling forward at an uncontrolled pace, smashing face-first into a tourist, newsstand, or police car. It would also increase your health and armor for the duration of the drunk period, as it can sometimes be an intoxicated persons body that miraculously walks away unscathed from a horrendous car crash or 1-on-5 bar fight. Afterward, however, your health is decreased a small amount as you recover from your inevitable hangover.