GTA V: Ultimate Wishlist

6. Speaking of Getting Drunk...

...I€™d honestly like that to be included in the next game. You got to get yourself drunk in GTA IV in a few different ways, but once you were intoxicated, you couldn€™t do anything other than stumbling around and attempting to drive a vehicle. People do all sorts of crazy things when they€™re drunk. Why can€™t the main character pick a fight? Try to run? Climb things? Shoot stuff?? Naturally, your aim would be terrible. Perhaps sometimes even hijacked by the game, the way your car swerves erratically in GTA IV. You€™d almost certainly lose a fight. Running would be hilarious, as you lose control and beginning stumbling forward at an uncontrolled pace, smashing face-first into a tourist, newsstand, or police car. It would also increase your health and armor for the duration of the €œdrunk€ period, as it can sometimes be an intoxicated person€™s body that miraculously walks away unscathed from a horrendous car crash or 1-on-5 bar fight. Afterward, however, your health is decreased a small amount as you recover from your inevitable hangover.

Brandon is a photographer/sociologist currently residing in the Sasquatch-prone Pacific Northwest of America. When he's not writing, he's probably doing something else.