GTA V: Ultimate Wishlist

2. Real Estate

It always felt good earning enough money to buy some big house in an exclusive neighborhood or a condo downtown and I€™d like to see that brought back into the series, but in a more realistic manner. In previous GTA games (in which real estate was available to buy) you paid one lump sum and that was that, the house or business was yours. Homes required no further attention and all you had to do was stop by every once in a while to see if any of your businesses were making money. Simple, but kind of tedious. I€™d like to see that change. The average gamer these days is 30 years old, we have jobs, we own or rent our own homes, we have families and we pay bills. We know how that system works, so why not include a rudimentary version of that into GTA V? Before you say €œPay bills in GTA? Are you nuts?€, here€™s what I mean: Each home you own comes with a monthly expense - it€™s just the total cost of rent/mortgage, utilities, and general upkeep. You don€™t actually have to do any work, but every month the money comes out of your account. You just need to make sure you€™ve got a steady income or else your property with fall into disrepair, and you€™ll eventually lose the home to foreclosure. The property will then go back on the market, and has to be purchased again. Businesses that you own will simply make money, which will go directly into your account (rather than you having to pick it up). Making sure you have a steady income will guarantee that you€™ll never have to worry about losing any of your safehouses.

Brandon is a photographer/sociologist currently residing in the Sasquatch-prone Pacific Northwest of America. When he's not writing, he's probably doing something else.