GTA V: Ultimate Wishlist

1. Immediate Release

When constructing an €œultimate€ wishlist, you get the freedom to make outrageous demands. This is my most outrageous of them all: I want the game now. As in, knock on my door as I€™m typing this and hand me the damn game. I want it finished, tested, perfected and complete. I won€™t complain if my list isn€™t brought to fruition, so long as the game is amazing; I€™ll forget half of what I proposed the moment the title screen kicks in. Barring an absolute disaster in coding or manufacturing, I doubt I€™ll be disappointed with whatever Rockstar ships out to the world. I€™ve never been one whose felt the games have ever drifted away from their roots or gotten anything wrong, although I know there was a percentage of players who were disappointed in the scaled-back realism of GTA IV. But as Congressman Alex Shrub said in GTA: Vice City, €œThose statistics are interesting, but like all statistics, they are also irrelevant.€ So there you have it - my own ultimate wishlist for what I want to see in GTA V. What do you think? Did I miss anything you particularly want to see in Rockstar's upcoming sandbox epic? Share your thoughts below. You can follow all of our GTA V coverage by heading over to our dedicated GTA V hub-page.

Brandon is a photographer/sociologist currently residing in the Sasquatch-prone Pacific Northwest of America. When he's not writing, he's probably doing something else.