GTA V: Ultimate Wishlist

17. A New Breed of Wanted Level

Here€™s what I would like to see: first, beef up the AI of the police. If I€™m chased into a Cluckin€™ Bell by eight cops, they€™re going to alert the rest of the force that I€™m in there. If I kill the eight cops who chased me inside, I don€™t want to see the next batch of police show up on scene and wander aimlessly around outside of the restaurant as though I€™d just up and vanished. I€™m in the Cluckin€™ Bell, right where I was when I murdered all of your fallen comrades - if you look in here, you€™ll see me. And I don€™t mean they should just come running in blindly, they should surround the place and wait for me to come out. Isn€™t that what the real police would do? They€™re not just going to continue sending every officer to the slaughter, and if I€™m willing to rack up a 5-star wanted level and then hunker down in a location that offers me no other way of escape, it€™s pretty apparent that I€™m willing to go out in a hail of bullets. Rock & roll. I€™d also like to see a revamp of the search radius introduced in GTA V. The cut-off is too abrupt: whether or not the cops continue to pursue me is literally the difference between one step forward and one step back, and that€™s always been a bit comical to me. I€™d like to see a gradient-style search radius, that gets weaker the further away you move away from your last known location, and one that isn€™t completely circular. Let€™s say you shoot a pedestrian in front of a cop - he draws, you fire - now you€™ve got a 3-star wanted level. Depending on which part of the city you€™re in, you€™ll have a much heavier police presence. If you€™re out in the country, you won€™t suddenly find six cars barrelling over the hill with their sirens blaring: you might be lucky to have two, but those two will be coming with a 3-star aggression. The further away from the scene of the crime, the fewer numbers of police you€™ll run into, and your wanted level will very gradually begin to drop as you get further away without being seen.

Brandon is a photographer/sociologist currently residing in the Sasquatch-prone Pacific Northwest of America. When he's not writing, he's probably doing something else.