GTA VI: 10 Beloved Characters We Want To See Return

1. Tommy Vercetti

GTA vice city

Someone needs to start a petition to get the 'Harwood Butcher' back into GTA's universe. Tommy Vercetti was the first player-controlled character to be fully voiced and he's an absolute must to pop back up in GTA VI. The world needs more of his cynicism, because it was a highlight of the original Vice City.

If Rockstar are willing to take the plunge and set VI in Vice City, then Vercetti is exactly the kind of character they need to reintroduce. Whether the game is set in the 1980's or not, Tommy is still alive and kicking, making him ideal for the game. Get those pastel suits back onto our screens, Rockstar.

Seeing a more jaded Vercetti try desperately to keep a hold on a criminal landscape that has passed him by would be a powerful story for GTA VI. Surrounded by younger, hungrier guys, Tommy would struggle to maintain control and have to come to terms with his advancing age.

Oh, who are we trying to kid? We just want to wear that Hawaiian shirt/blue jeans combo again.

What other beloved characters do you long to see make a comeback in GTA VI? Let us know down in the comments section below!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.