GTA VI: 10 Big Things It Must Fix

5. Co-Op In Single-Player

Pushing co-op into games where it doesn't belong isn't a good idea - the corpse of Resident Evil 5 proved that once and for all. However, GTA V's character switching mayhem presented the most organic opportunity for co-op in a Grand Theft Auto title yet and it's completely baffling as to why it was never implemented in the main campaign. While switching between characters on the fly creates new opportunities in single player, doesn't it makes even more sense to be able to have an actual human friend driving the getaway car as Franklin while you fend off attackers from the back-seat as Micheal? Although playing with your friends in GTA Online is great, money is a scarce resource in online play, so you can't really justify buying a million dollar car to have it go down in a 100mph ball of flames a few minutes later. Having co-op as a single player feature would help alleviate that online anxiety and allow for more organic fun and freedom between friends.
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3