GTA VI: 10 Big Things It Must Fix

6. Less Female Stereotypes

Being this many games into the series it's more than reasonable to say that GTA has created some pretty stereotypical characters. In fact, it often revels in them, opting to delve into caricatures over true-to-life people. But at this point, franchise staples like the 'one-dimensional b***hy female character' are becoming increasingly grating. GTA V showed small signs of improvement in having a few memorable crew members and the occasional insignificant NPC, but it's nothing radical to say that historically in GTA women have been poorly written. The best part about this change is that the bar is so low already that anything would be an improvement. While a main female protagonist would be interesting, a female villain or even trusted ally would do wonders to freshen up the standard GTA stories. At the very least a female protagonist would present a nice break from the hyper-masculinity so inherent to the franchise.
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3