GTA VI: 10 Big Things It Must Fix

3. Better A-To-B Mission Design

Quiet time in video games is essential. Everyone needs a respite from the action now and again - a chance to reflect and take in your current situation (and also all the beautiful art assets the developers have lovingly crafted). The calm before the storm and all that jazz. But in GTA, having players take on the mundane role of a forklift driver is not the best way to go about doing this. GTA V had some of the most consistently thrilling missions in the franchise to date, yet it couldn't quite escape the classic story mission tropes of the series on the whole. There were still times where you felt too much like an errand boy, and there were others where you drove miles just for a quick cutscene or a chat. Rockstar, you have this beautiful open world sandbox at your fingertips - make the most of it!
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3