GTA VI: 10 Mission Types That Need To Die

1. 'Bringing A Car To A Foot Race'

The final entry to this list is also the final vehicle-based entry, and it is certainly one of the most frustrating occurrences that this series of games will ever throw at its players. For a game with so many dodgy deals and shady characters, a few chases and pursuits are certainly to be expected by players. Taking place in both in vehicles and on foot, these chases mostly provide quick and brief bursts of drama for players before they catch the escapee and deal with them however the situation dictates. What is not so entertaining, however, is when a foot chase suddenly becomes a very unfair challenge and the escapee jumps into the only nearby vehicle to speed away. The following scramble to find another vehicle to scramble into is quite probably one of the most frustrating experiences within any GTA game and is one players could certainly do without from now on. It's not to say there's anything inherently wrong with blending a foot race with a car chase, however there needs to be a little more of a leveller to stop players from being left cursing and angry on the sidewalk as their fugitive tears merrily into the distance in some hotrod or sports car. The 'restart mission' button is never hit harder than in these instances, is it?

Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.