GTA VI: 10 Things It Must Learn From Vice City

3. A Twist In The Tale

Lance betrays Tommy at the end of Vice City. It's been 13 years, if you haven't played Vice City all the way through then that's your fault. Something which Vice City did extremely well was to put a sting in the tail of the story. Whereas the storyline of GTA V finds itself petering out slightly (unless you're a sociopath and decide to kill your friends), Vice City kept things succinct and blew you away when it turned out that Tommy's trusted colleague and dance partner Lance is willing to betray him for business. Cleverly Vance's issues with Tommy's higher cut of the profit and treatment of him as a business partner play out through the game and the signs are there for those who want to read them that he's ready to betray them. GTA VI can learn a lesson from its forebear and might want to introduce a close NPC for the main character. While V's three protagonist system works very well, the three never seem to get close enough to another character in order for their inevitable betrayal to be anything other than predictable and in some cases tedious.

Freelance writer and Web Editor. | Once won a Cosmopolitan Award. No idea why. | @MichaelJayPark