GTA VI: 13 Things Fans Want (That Probably Won't Happen)

12. Switching Between Time Periods & Locations

What Fans Want: Just as GTA V introduced the ability to switch between characters with a few button presses and a brief wait, wouldn't it be awesome to travel between different time periods and locations with the simple movement of a wheel? How this would work is anyone's guess, but to be able to transfer characters to starkly different locations or just pick up a different story with another character somewhere else would add a huge array of diversity to the series. As for the time period, what about being able to switch between a modern-day protagonist and his crime boss father back in the 1970s, Godfather Part II-style? It'd be like nothing the series has seen before, and the earlier time period could heavily inform the later one. Why It Won't Happen: Given how well the character-switching addition went down, it's unlikely they'll introduce something this daring so soon, if ever. It has the potential to over-complicate things story-wise and poses obvious technical challenges as well.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.