GTA VI Rumours: 10 Biggest Speculations

1. One Of The Main Characters Will Be Female

One of the biggest rumours surrounding GTA VI is the idea of introducing the first every female protagonist to the GTA franchise. Women haven't always played the biggest part in Grand Theft Auto down throughout the years - there have been many female characters, but they're never the most important, and that could be something that's about to change. In all honesty, it'd be refreshing to offer players a strong woman, because it has to happen at some point, surely? Rockstar have often used women for sexual reasons in their games, rather than actually to portray them as ultra-serious individuals, so it'd be striking to see the company depart from that mindset. Creating a powerful, independent female lead character would open up some possibilities. Maybe Rockstar could even shift focus somewhat, making the men infatuated with the violent yet intelligent nature of the woman, instead of having women simply be drawn to the 'bad boy' characters of before. What other big rumours have you heard about GTA VI? What do you make of the ones listed here? Let us know down in the comments section below!
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.