GTA VI Wishlist: 10 Things It Must Include

9. Ability To Build And Destroy

Rockstar Games
Customisation is a huge part of the video game industry nowadays. Grand Theft Auto has actually dabbled with these things before, such as the character-based RPG-style elements visible in San Andreas. They were used once more in GTA V, only based more on skills than appearance.

It'd be really cool to see Rockstar extend that to infrastructure. Imagine being able to buy a plot of land and build an entire house from scratch, it would open up the game entirely. In Vice City Stories there were elements that explored real estate and building up business. There's no reason why, with the power of current-gen technology, that couldn't become more prevalent in VI.

Being able to play with the location's look and architecture style does feel very Minecraft, but Rockstar wouldn't need to offer as extensive a set of tools as that game. Looking at Fallout 4 for inspiration might be one way of doing things, relying more on templates than complete customisation.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.