GTA VI Wishlist: 10 Things It Must Include

10. Being Able To Play On The Other Side Of The Law


For years, Grand Theft Auto has featured side missions such as acting as a vigilante police officer, picking up fares in a taxi, and helping unfortunate folks to hospital in an ambulance. Up until now, such tasks have felt like mini-games more than anything else, but that could be set to change once GTA VI hits the scene.

The title of the series makes it fairly obvious that it's all about crime, and players have pretty much always existed on the wrong side of the law. There are some hoping gamers will be able to actually reverse that trend, controlling a police officer and hunting down criminals. Right now, details on this are sketchy, but there are hopes that the feature will exist in more than just the online multiplayer modes.

Imagine this played a part in the overall story of the game, it'd be absolutely crazy. The possibilities are there to create a genuinely interesting feature, more than just another mini-game that helps break up the action. What if there are actual story missions during which the main protagonist plays a cop, or maybe that takes up some of the earlier missions in the game? That's along the lines some gamers are thinking.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.