GTA V: 5 Features We Don't Want To See

4. Crazy Character Customisation

I am not saying that we should be as restricted as in GTA4, San Andreas' level worked quite well, but the characters options, at least in single player, shouldn't be like Saints Row or Mass Effect. As stated above, the story of a typical GTA game is about the character and his or her story, and character customisation wouldn't really fit. Niko Bellic was a well rounded character, with strengths, weaknesses and a personality. He was human. I don't want a green skinned fat bald guy with a Latino woman's voice. I want someone who I can believe in and know them, inside and out. A game with customisation like Saints Row doesn't give us. I also mentioned Mass Effect, and that is somewhat true. We have control over our characters gender and looks, but they're still Shepard. But when you think about it, what do we know about Shepard? Their background of personality? Not much. We know a lot about Niko Bellic, and it's what made him such a good character. It's for this reason that intimate character customisations shouldn't be included in GTAV. I do agree when people say we should be able to get tattoos and change hair and clothes, however, as people can do that in real life and still be the same person.

I live in Australia, love to write and play games. So what better than writing about games? I love all things action and fantasy, as well as my occasional shooter. I literally cannot wait for GTAV!