Guild Wars 2: 10 Reasons to Be Excited

1. Dynamic Events

Finally, no list of "What to Be Excited about in Guild Wars 2" would be complete without raving one more time about the ground-breaking and revolutionary dynamic event system. Gone are the days of quest-givers standing around with an exclamation mark over their heads waiting to tell you about some sad story wherein a group of baddies ruined their lives before asking you to go kill thirteen of said baddie to make them feel better. Now you walk into valley to see smoke rising from a nearby village. As you run over to investigate, you find bandits sacking the town. You drive them off and help several of the villagers to their feet. They then thank you for what you just did, and that action will then go on to have other consequences in the world around you. Events domino into larger and larger chains of events that tell a very real and compelling story - and one that you don't have to read out of a text box. This feature is without a doubt one of the greatest contributions that Guild Wars 2 will ever make to the MMORPG genre and the video games industry as a whole. It's such a radical and wonderful departure from what we've all gotten so used to in games that it just immediately will make you jaded when you try playing any other game. And the developers have already confirmed that over the course of the game's lifespan, they will be adding even more dynamic events to ALL of the games' various areas, enriching the content that is already there, and giving players a reason to keep exploring, keep experiencing, and keep enjoying all that the game has to offer. What do you folks think? Will Guild Wars 2 be the saviour of MMO? What else are you looking forward to? Let us know below.

I am a husband and father of four little girls. I have a Bachelors in Religion from Luther Rice Seminary and a Master of Divinity from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. I am also a video game enthusiast, especially when it comes to Guild Wars 2.